Gamertags are sensitive data, so it is vital to safeguard your Xbox gamertags or PS ID from hackers. The homepage claims that they have almost 25 million accounts resolved at present. It is the only working resolver on the market with millions of usernames in database, and thousands added daily. It allows anyone to type in a Gamertag/PSN ID to see if the website already has information realted to that account’s IP address. It can convert an Xbox/PlayStation Gamertag to IP address and vice versa. XResolver includes both Xbox Resolver and PlayStation Resolver.

Additionally, it includes other functions such as IP Logger PSN Username, IP Storage, IP Checker Phone Lookup, and Nmap Port Scan. XResolver, a web-based tool, displays the opponent gamer’s IP address, gamertag or username, and location along with yours on platforms including Xbox, PlayStation, and PC. In addition, MiniTool Partition Wizard further explains what is PSN resolver and shows you how to use it online and offline. No refund can be made.This post focuses on xResolver, including its basic information, features, use, and alternatives. If you any issue with our services, open a ticket, our staff will answer you in a few hours. If you buy on stresslab.sx, you accept our terms of conditions. If you break our TOS, your account will be permanently banned from our services.

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Attacking government websites (.GOV) is strictly forbidden! Use this service only on your own server/network, if this term is broken, your account will be permanently banned. You are not authorized to use our services for interrupt the connectivity of a server/home connection/network. We purposes our Server Stress Testing services to individuals and business only for personal network security testing. We do not keep your login and attack logs. The confidentiality of our customers data is a priority. By using the Server Stress Testing services provided by stresslab.sx, you agree to be responsible for all actions and consequences.